Saturday, September 24, 2022

Why Blog?

 I'm at a writing conference today at the Orem Library. I'm the keynote later on, but right now I'm attending the classes, soaking up wisdom, and enjoying a full day immersed in words and writing and writers. During one of the classes, the instructors (Gorden and Ilena Andrews) talked about finding marketing that's authentic to you. I've heard this 1,000 times but today, it sparked an idea and so ... new blog where I can share some thoughts and processes.

I'm going to follow the format of reporting on what I'm reading, what I'm writing, what I'm real estating and then a question for you about what I talked about. I hope to blog once a week or so. It's going to feed into my Facebook and plays to my strengths. 

What I'm reading: 
Life is in the Transitions by Bruce Fieler via Audible. (Excellent! This is my third reading)
It Didn't Start with You by Mark Wolynn in paperback (Intense. I'm going slowly)

What I'm writing: 
I'm working on a contemporary romance retelling of The Three Little pigs for a novella that will be part of an anthology released later in 2022. Title will be: Once Upon a Fairy Tale

I'm also working on a full-length regency romance that will come out in early 2023 with Carpe Vitam Press that will be part of the Saddles and Scoundrels historical romance line. 

I'm also re-writing my earliest novels from LDS fiction to Christian romance.

What I'm real estating:
I have three listings right now--

2.5 acres in Malad Idaho

6 bedroom 3 bath home in Garden City

4 bedroom, 2 bath home in Millcreek

Have you read either of these books? If so, what were your thoughts? 

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March 11, 2024

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